Clusty, eine Websuchmaschine der etwas anderen Art:
The primary feature of Clusty is its clustering. Its clusters are not created or maintained by any human editor; rather, the clustering is put together, on the fly, from the results Clusty gathers.
Thus a search for ‘pearl’ organizes the top 250-500 results into subject folders such as Jewelry, Pearl Harbor, Pearl Jam, Steinbeck Novel and Daniel Pearl. Clusty allows users to focus on the area of interest without all the chaff.
Clusty bietet spezielle Suchen an für: Web, Shopping, Wikipedia, Blogs, Images, News, Jobs, Gossip, EBay und Government
Und speziell bei den Blogs:
Clusty Blogs combines Vivísimo’s federated search and clustering capabilities to bring you the best blog search on the web. With one search box you can search and cluster these top blog search engines: Blogdigger, Blogpulse, Daypop, Feedster, Technorati. You may also search by URL to see which blogs are linking to a particular site and Clusty will automatically send your query to each search engine’s link search.