Matt Mullenweg, bekannt als Hauptentwickler von WordPress – mit diesem Tool läuft auch dieses Blog hier – bekommt anläßlich einer Blog-Konferenz einen Ehrenplatz in
When it comes to blogging, big corporations are turning to twentysomething mavericks for advice. If they can’t lick them, they may have to join them.
So it was Thursday, as 21-year-old blogger Matt Mullenweg navigated the hallways of San Francisco’s Palace Hotel, giving select corporate and other confidants a sneak peak at his latest offering: a special blogging software tool for companies
It’s pathetic — as well as amusing — to watch representatives of multimillion-dollar corporations shell out their hard-earned cash to buy what amounts to bottles of freshly packaged air. The concepts behind blogging are not difficult to understand, nor is it difficult to throw one onto the Internet. I’d be ashamed to charge for my services so I’ll offer them for free. Want a blog? Go read some. Do what they do. There’s your Blog Business Summit.
Typische Beissreflexe verängstigter Hunde, aber letztlich egal, es wird aaalles wieder gut … braaav 🙂
Weitere Informationen zu, das Matt auf der Konferenz vorgestellt hat und Typepad und Konsorten Konkurrenz machen soll: