auf IOError (der Macher von BadBehavior, einem prima Antispam-Tool) über dieses neue Toolchen gelesen, Flock genannt. Scheint prima Ansätze zu haben:
Flock is capable of posting to many blogging systems, including Blogger, Movable Type and WordPress, using a WYSIWYG interface. It uses XML-RPC to communicate with the blogs. It organizes all of your blogs in a single unified interface and allows you to read and edit your posts, as well as making new posts. In addition, it integrates into your Flickr photo collection and allows you to easily insert photos into your posts. I haven“t played much with the Flickr integration, as I don“t have a Flickr account yet. I“ll have to rectify that.
Flock also includes „breadcrumbs,“? a link tagging system similar to but which goes a little beyond it. Flock“s breadcrumbs are deeply integrated into Firefox. The simple „+“? icon in the Firefox toolbar lets you immediately add whatever page you“re looking at. You can also browse the most frequently tagged links directly from your toolbar, browse links that your friends have tagged, or browse all links with a particular tag. With breadcrumbs being integrated directly into a blog posting and image management tool, the possibilities look bright indeed.
Leider nur invitation only, aber auf der Startseite von kann man sich für eine erweiterte Beta voranmelden.
Ach ja, der CEO Bart Decrem (Round Two, die Corp. hinter Flock) hat ein eigenes Blog, da wird man wohl mehr von Flock in der Zukunft sehen können.