prima Artikel auf Strange Brand „What Corporate Identity Isn’t„. Gekürzt:
1. Corporate Identity Isn’t a Selling Point
Instead, its primary role is to serve as an anchor that helps to lock the overall message created by those other tools into your customers’ minds. Think of it as a shortcut, a mnemonic to help your client remember the cumulative effect of your other sales and marketing efforts.
2. Corporate Identity Isn’t Critical
Instead, work on developing an identity that is declarative, vivid, and memorable. Be fresh—don’t worry about emulating others, because the whole point of your identity is to make you stand out.
3. Corporate Identity Isn’t Comfortable
Committees are great at developing identities that are generally pleasant, but you can’t be generally pleasant and remarkable at the same time. A great brand is evocative, passionate, and impressive—and it’s a rare committee that can come up with anything that can be described
with those words.
via WorkHappy