Was haben ein Datensicherungsanbieter und Mr. John Cleese mit Blogs zu tun?
Live Vault, a maker of disk-based data backup solutions, needed to make a splash in the market with a new product launch. Its independent marketing consultant, Jeff Weiner, had a solution. Make such a funny video starring John Cleese that viewers would tell their friends to go see it at the company’s Web site… The end results were what Mr. Cleese would have introduced by saying, „And now, for something completely different.“ Buzz in the industry. Dozens of blogs linking to Live Vault’s site. Over 100,000 views of the video within six weeks. Web traffic that increased by a factor of ten. And thousands of sales leads generated.
OK, wo ist das Video mit Mr. Monty zu sehen? Bei Captains of Industry zB und es nennt sich The Institute for Backup Trauma. Das Video ist ganz nett, ich sag nur „File not Found“ und „Backup Trauma Prevention“ Auf jeden Fall, zum Schluß des Videos kann der Zuschauer in das Backup Trauma Institut eintreten, LiveVault Lösungen betrachten oder den dritten Button nicht drücken
via A2O