„France is certainly taking a lead in the European market in a big way,“ said Lee Bryant, a social-software consultant with London-based Headshift. „There is a sense of an opportunity that people must jump on.“
The French blogeur revolution is being spearheaded by precocious youngsters. According to government figures, half of all schoolchildren are bloggers, an estimated 3 million. Almost 2 million of them use Skyblog, a service operated by youth radio station Skyrock that is growing by around 600 new journals and 200,000 entries every day.
Warum diese Entwicklung? Old Media machts möglich, die eine Chance gesehen hatten und sie in die Tat umgesetzt haben:
While bloggers elsewhere are commonly depicted warring with mainstream media, the rise of France’s blogeurs owes much to traditional publishers and broadcasters like VNU, 01net and Europe2, which have popularized the form with high-profile consumer blog services.
Le Monde, France’s biggest newspaper, is also a weblog host, letting thousands of readers write journals alongside those of staff reporters and columnists. Just two days after the invitation to „become your own editor“ in December, readers-turned-writers were leapfrogging the pros in a rundown of the online paper’s most-read pages.
Und deutsche Medien? Verlage wie Burda und Axel Springer? Mit Spiegel, Focus, Stern, Handelsblatt, FAZ, Wirtschaftswoche, Impulse, etcpp… no way… es besteht doch ein Risiko. Also lieber nicht die Finger verbrennen 🙂 Schnarchnasen!
via Loic