Ihr könnt Euch PHP5 Power Programming kostenlos als eBook downloaden (ca. 9.6 MByte, .pdf, 720 Seiten stark). Das Buch ist für PHP Entwickler gedacht, die auf PHP5 umsatteln möchten, weniger also für Anfänger und Einsteiger.
Aussagen dazu?
What’s the Story: When I say that I was disappointed to find this book in my mailbox, it is only because I knew that when I got my hands on it I wouldn’t put it down for the rest of the day…. In general I’m very happy with this book. If there is one book that you want to get to bring you up to speed on PHP 5, this is the one.
phpComplete: I feel that calling this a book is not accurate. Rather, I see this as me having stolen their brains (If Andi, Stig, or Derick suddenly become less smart, we know why). This book is amazing! It covers everything I would want in a PHP 5. It covers all the new features, PEAR, optimization techniques, and most importantly (for me at least), how to move an existing code base from PHP 4 to PHP 5.
Bei Gefallen einfach das Buch kaufen 😉
via WebhostingTech