Die Firma Perseus über die Entwicklung der Blogosphere in „The Blogging Geyser“:
The leaders – BlogSpot, LiveJournal and Xanga – were all launched in 1999 (though Xanga was not initially a blogging site) and at the end of the first quarter of 2005 each had between 6.6 and 8.2 million accounts. The primary challenger is MSN Spaces, which launched in North America in December and was closing in on 4.5 million accounts at the end of the first quarter. TypePad is the most successful of the upstarts, while AOL Journals has been a disappointment to AOL, which – as a result – is launching a new blogging service targeted at teenagers.
Based on the rapid growth rate demonstrated by the leading services, we expect the number of hosted blogs created on these twenty services to exceed 53.3 million by the end of 2005.
Warum dieser dramatische Anstieg, diese Explosion des Wachstums, getrieben über die amerikanische Blogosphäre? Perseus natürlich US-konzentrisch:
Perseus would argue that Dave Winer’s Bloggercon, backed as it was by Harvard, was the inflection point for the hosted blogging industry. The first Bloggercon attracted incredible attention from the mainstream media, propelling interest in the category and dramatically accelerating the account growth. This sudden growth was like a geyser: dramatic, unpredictable and trending vertical.
Promi-Uni + Medienberichte = Grund für rasanates Wachstum? In Frankreich wurde extrem stark in den Medien berichtet, da sind die Zahlen ebenfalls sechsstellig angeblich. Kann passen und ist auch logisch. Heute geht sowas nur über Massenpenetration.
via Loic