auf findet sich eine ausführliche Analyse der Marktanteile von Bloganbietern:
Interessant ist auch
diese Grafik, die die Wachstumsrate aufzeigen soll. Interessante Aussage dabei:
In any market that is growing at an astounding 300% a year, if your user-base is only growing by 50%, you are falling behind, quickly. The winners will be those companies that are able to sustain a higher-than-average growth rate over time, carving out enough market share to build a profitable business.
Typepad continues to be an anomaly. Trailing only Blogger in both share and growth, Typepad – a fee-based service – is gaining share in a field of free services.
Und das sollte sich jeder Bloganbieter hinter die Ohren schreiben, denn viele sehen sich mE immer noch als Hoster eines technischen Tools:
From a service perspective, blog tools are more than just a collection of specialized website building features. Blogs by their nature are very personal. They hold the most cherished thoughts, dreams, and knowledge of those creating them. An established blog represents hundreds, if not thousands of hours of someone’s time – time to think, write, and create. Blog tool companies must begin to see their mission as caring for this, the most precious asset their customers have, and act in accordance with this mission. Customers will demand nothing less from them.
via Loic