Auf der Suche nach weiteren Formulargeneratoren auf PHP Basis und optionaler Speichermöglichkeit in MySQL bin ich auf dieses prima Tool in gestossen: phpformgenerator.
Was kann das Tool?
phpFormGenerator is an easy-to-use tool to create reliable and efficient web forms in a snap. No programming of any sort is required. Just follow along the phpFormGenerator wizard and at the end, you will have a fully functional web form!
Program features:
* Ability to create up to 100 form fields
* Ability to add a variety of field types including Text Boxes, Passwords, Drop Down Selection menus, Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, free form Text Areas, and File Uploads
* All field types are highly customizable (for example you can specify the sizes, options, etc)
* Ability to have the form data emailed to a provided email address
* Ability to store the form data in a database table (currently supporting MySQL)
* Ability to create a file based database to store form data for those who don’t have access to a MySQL database server
* Administration portal to manage your stored form data
1. Schritt Anlegen des Formular inkl. Anzahl Felder
2. Schritt Auswahl der Feldnamen, Feldtypen und -grössen