auch nicht unspannend, diese Form von „Demokratie“, von Joi erzählt:
One of the big challenges for the general elections in Japan will be whether we can get election reform back on track. Other than the fact that the ruling party has been in power almost non-stop for 50 years, we have some serious problems with our election system. The Prime Minister is not directly elected. This is similar to the UK where your parliamentarians select the Prime Minister, but in Japan, they don’t have to tell you who they would vote for. The Prime Minister is chosen by the elders of the ruling party behind closed doors. There was a movement to reform this, but because of Prime Minister Koizumi’s enormous popularity when he was selected, the people THOUGHT they had voted him in. Not true. The elders had just decided to select him to appease the people and possibly derail this election reform.
Another huge problem in Japan is the disparity of voting weights. They are very old and some rural areas have 5 times the voting power of people living in Tokyo. The Supreme Court of Japan has come close to calling this unconstitutional (because it is) and have asked the Diet to reallocate „or else“… but there is never „or else“… This supports the pork barrel politics of rural politicians subsidizing public works and skimming, which Suzuki was famous for.
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Mitarbeiterin/einen Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) für den Bereich Social Media/Content-Creation Evangelische Kirche der Pfalz in Speyer |
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