schöner Link mit vielen Wiedererkennungseffekten über den Werbeblogger:
Was wird dort geboten? Ach, so Kundenzitate, was Kunden wollen (obwohl sie meistens selbst nie so genau wissen, was sie denken :-))) Man kann auch eigene Zitate aufnehmen. Beispiele?
Client: I want a site thats not like my old site, nor like the present site I have in
development but is not yet launched.. I want a site thats like the ideas I have in my
head. How much will that cost?
Me: I think we need to get this all on paper first.
Client: I’ve just signed up with (major ISP) for $29.95 per month (not through me, btw). I saw a $9.90 deal in the electricity company office yesterday. What’s the difference?
Me: $20.00?
Client: I mean, between the two deals?
Me: {blink blink}
me : you can view the final version at the test location, http://www….
client : eeeuh can you print out every page for us for the final conformation?
me : why?
client : well the owner of the company (and apperently the only one who could give
the green light for the launch!) refuses to use a computer.
me : eeeuh ok 😐