A few minutes ago CNN announced that Technorati will be providing real-time analysis of the political blogosphere at next week’s Democratic National Convention. I will be on-site in CNN’s convention broadcast center, along with Mary Hodder, and I’ll be providing regular on-air commentary on what bloggers are saying about politics and the convention. And on Sunday, July 25, we’ll launch a new section of our site for political coverage: politics.technorati.com. This site will make it easy for bloggers, journalists, and anyone interested in politics to see the postings of the most linked-to political bloggers, to track the ideas with the fastest-growing buzz, and to monitor conversations in thousands of other political blogs. CNN.com will link to this site, and we’ll be updating the CNN site with the latest from the blogosphere.
Joi (Investor bei Technorati) als stolzer Investor dazu:
Great news for us at Technorati and hats-off to CNN for taking this leap. Hopefully this will help people view blogging as a more „legitimate“ source of news.
Schön für ihn, dass er so ein Tool anpreist, das entweder einen sch… langsamen Response liefert oder häufig überhaupt keinen. Würde mich freuen, wenn Technorati endlich technische Basics erfüllen würde, statt eine dolle Funktion nach der anderen draufpacken. Blogstats.de bietet zwar immer noch nicht eine gute Usability gegenüebr Technorati, doch hat eine verhältnismässig prima Responsezeit und funktioniert auch.