die Mozilla Foundation hat seit heute einen Ableger namens Mozilla Messaging. Im Fokus steht die Weiterentwicklung der Mailsoftware Thunderbird. David Ascher wird der CEO und der erzählt auf seinem Blog, um was es geht.
Ganz spannend finde ich dabei seine Äußerungen zur möglichen langfristigen Entwicklung von Thunderbird, die wohl nicht zufällig der Strategie der Firefox-Sparte ähnelt:
One huge strength is the extensibility of the platform, which is one key differentiator for Firefox, and which can be even more important for a communications client than it has been for a web browser. Another strength is that we already have a complete web technology stack built into our mail client, and as a result, we can consider deep integration with both websites and web services which other solutions can only dream of. Another, crucial strength, is that as an open source desktop application, Thunderbird „belongs“? to the individual person using it, not to the owner of any one website or communications network. As people struggle with keeping track of disparate communication channels and social networks, this nexus of control becomes a sweet spot for integration. There are significant weaknesses as well, most importantly the need to install the software to use it. There are interesting possibilities to consider there as web application technologies become faster, richer, and better integrated with the desktop experience, which will inform our long-term planning… It is worthwhile considering what the right user experience could be for someone using multiple email addresses, multiple instant messaging systems, IRC, reading and writing on blogs, using VoIP, SMS, and the like. What parts of those interactions make sense to integrate, and where? I don“t believe that stuffing all of those communication models inside of one application is the right answer. But the walled gardens that we“re faced with today aren“t the right answer either.
Tja, wenn die Gründung dieser eigenen Sparte ebenso erfolgreich sein wird wie die der Mozilla Foundation selbst, wird es für Microsoft, IBM und auch Google spannend:) Wobei nur IBM bis dato mit dem Consumer-Business im Bereich Mail wenig am Hut hat, dafür aber mit seiner Collaboration-Suite bei den Firmenkunden glänzt. Wohingegen Microsoft in beiden Segmenten gut unterwegs ist. Und Google im Firmekundensegment weiterhin herumtappst, dafür im Konsumentenbereich sehr erfolgreich ist. Und nicht zu vergessen Yahoo Mail. Wem auch immer das am Ende gehören wird. Also, Yahoo Mail, GMail, Hotmail, Outlook/Exchange, Lotus Notes/Domino und Thunderbird. Players are playing. Hat Thunderbird Luca Tonis an Bord?