mein Mike Rhodin (Lotus GM and key Lotus Executives), aber er meint noch was ganz anderes, das organisatorisch betrachtet, sehr neugierig macht:
I get into this particular question on the cultural transformation aspects of social software in the enterprise quite a bit with senior executives that I talk to. What I’m finding is actually a bifurcation of interest here, where, in the senior executive ranks, they get it. The understand it. In many cases they get it and understand it because they have teenage children or college age children that are using these technologies in the consumer space. I’ll tell you that when I first brought forward the idea for Connections inside IBM, the first person that jumped all over the promise of this was Sam Palmisano, right, so it was jumped on from the top down. He’s got teenaged kids. He understands what’s going on. He’s intrigued by it. This concept of community, the unlocking of ideas across an organization, is viewed by CEOs across the globe as one of the most important strategic imperatives for them to deal with, right.
There are cultures in organizations, around the world that are heavily process laden that are based on information secrecy and (compartmentalization), as opposed to openness. What I believe and what many senior business leaders, around the world, believe is that that business model is going to come under increasing competitive pressure in the future. That way of doing business is going to become very difficult as environments in the competitive world change and these social networks start to unlock the power of ideas, within organizations, so that companies can truly be innovative regardless of where the ideas come from, within the organization. It truly flattens the organization, brings the ideas forward and enables true collaboration in ways that we’ve never seen before in organizations.
Dass er meint, dass Social Software in Intranets wichtiger wird, liegt ja auf der Hand. Er verkauft IBM dabei. Aber auf der anderen Seite hat er nicht Unrecht, denn Nonsens erzählen juckt die Kunden nicht. Viel interessanter ist das mit den organisatorischen Effizienzüberlegungen, die sich iW auf die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit beziehen. Ist das bei einem von Euch Thema im Unternehmen?
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