das ist doch mal ne nette Message: Amazon, der E-Commerce König, wird digitale Musikstückchen zum Download anbieten, werbemäßig schön eingepackt heißt es, dass alle Songs DRM-free sein werden. Hier die Pressemeldung, Auszug:
Amazon.com today announced it will launch a digital music store later this year offering millions of songs in the DRM-free MP3 format from more than 12,000 record labels. EMI Music’s digital catalog is the latest addition to the store. Every song and album in the Amazon.com digital music store will be available exclusively in the MP3 format without digital rights management (DRM) software. Amazon’s DRM-free MP3s will free customers to play their music on virtually any of their personal devices — including PCs, Macs(TM), iPods(TM), Zunes(TM), Zens(TM) — and to burn songs to CDs for personal use.
via Techcrunch