Debbie Weil greift die Story mit dem aufgeflogenen Fake-Blog von Wal-Mart auf und bietet am Ende des Artikel eine nette Linkliste: Flogging, Wal-Marting and Edelman’s non-response
ähm ja, ihr Erstaunen, warum man das nicht völlig transparent gestaltet hat, wird wohl auf immer für Außenstehende ein Rätsel bleiben: „What would they lose to have said, ‚we’re sending two people around the country to talk to people at Wal-Mart,“… „It could have even been funny–they could have made it self-deprecating, really loosened up and it would have been so much more effective as a PR strategy. Instead, they went with that whole Madison Avenue lie that everything is perfect, which people can’t stand.“
Shel Holtz: Those smart PR folks working for Edelman are among the members of the PR community who advocate participation in the conversation. Some of them have been brutal when, to their way of thinking, somebody else fails to understand what it means to be engage in the conversation. So where is Edelman in this particular conversation? Missing in action. As dismaying as this latest misstep is, it’s even more dismaying to see Edelman’s high-powered social media experts failing to walk the talk. Nothing from Richard in his vaunted 6 a.m. blog. Nothing from Steve, who blogs at the pinnacle of PR’s A-list. Nothing from anybody (based on a Technorati search and a survey of the Edelman blogs).